School Uniform and other permitted items
This page is to inform families of the correct school uniform. You will notice that we have very few items requiring a school logo to assist our families in buying cheaper options.
Please remember this for ALL of your child’s items, including replacements during the year.
Other Items
In addition to school uniform, this page also informs you of common permitted items and some which are not.
School support for all families
Please contact us if you have any difficulties ordering uniform or paying for uniform. We will always do our utmost to assist our families in need and will do so very discreetly. Please let us know if you are struggling with anything that helps your child in school.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Uniform
White polo shirt with or without school logo
Check skirt or pinafore
Grey trousers or grey shorts
Red cardigan or V neck sweatshirt WITH school logo
Charcoal grey tights/ Charcoal grey knee or ankle socks/white ankle socks
Shoes- Flat sensible black shoes- no strapless, high-heeled or trainers.
Summer Option:
Red check summer dress (optional for hot periods) with white ankle socks
Uniform with logo is only available at Anne's - link below
Click here to go to Anne's online store
Year 3, 4, 5, 6 Uniform
White button through short sleeve shirt with collar
Grey Tie for all Key Stage 2 Children (elastic or standard)
Check skirt, (no pinafore for juniors but can be worn if still fits)
Grey trousers or Grey shorts
Red cardigan or V neck sweatshirt WITH school logo
Charcoal grey tights/ Charcoal grey knee socks/ White ankle socks
Shoes- Flat sensible black shoes- no strapless, high-heeled or trainers.
Summer Option:
Red check summer dress (optional for hot periods) with white ankle socks​
Uniform with logo is only available at Anne's - link below
Click here to go to Anne's online store
​​​​​P. E. and Games Uniform
PE Uniform – Whole School
White polo shirts with or without logo. Children may still have some red ones and these can be worn until parents are ready to change them. Infant children may wear whichever polo-shirt they start their day with, but this is a parental decision.
Black shorts for indoors and plimsolls. Black tracksuit bottoms for outdoors- trainers are permitted outdoors
​Jewellery and Haircuts
For safety reasons wearing jewellery is limited. Watches may be worn and simple stud earrings. Multiple earrings are not acceptable. During physical activities studs and watches must be removed and the children must be able to manage this themselves. If children cannot manage removal of studs then they MUST NOT arrive in school wearing them. Children are legally entitled to their curriculum and jewellery must not impede this. Make up and nail varnish are not allowed.
Long Hair - all hair which is shoulder length or longer, must be tied back in a discreet bobble. LARGE BOWS are not allowed. Hair which is long enough to obscure the eyes must be clipped back to prevent distraction.
Short Hair - must not shaved or with track lines. Usually nothing below a number 2.
Hair colouring is not permitted, nor are accessories, including extensions.
This policy applies equally to boys and girls.
Other Items
Water bottles:- children are ONLY allowed water bottles which are clear/translucent with a sports top which is filled at home with WATER. Children are not permitted juice (except at lunchtime) due to the damage this can cause in the classroom. Only children with medical exceptions are permitted juice outside of lunchtime. We do NOT allow screwtop bottles or large cups with straws due to spillage. Coloured and metal bottles are not allowed as staff must see the contents of all bottles to check for water only. Our school sells permitted water bottles for £1.50. Please ensure that water bottles for classroom use are school-issued or similar.
Mobile Phones:- a separate policy exists for mobile phones. Please read this policy before sending your child with a phone.
Watches (including wearable technologies):- Children are NOT permitted to wear Smart Watches or any watches or items that have camera, text, phone, internet functionality​​.
Backpacks:- Please ensure your child has a small backpack, as space is limited in school. It is better to have a separate, robust carrier bag for those days when children need to bring more items i.e. Skiing sessions, Forest Schools, Swimming,
Reading Book Bags:- Please only have reading books in book bags, remembering to keep drinks bottles separate. Book bags are available from our school office.
Stationery Items:- The school provides all stationery required, and there is no need for parents to buy pens, pencils, pencil cases etc.
Toys, Games, Cards etc:- Toys and games, including sports equipment, are NOT permitted to be brought in by children, unless explicitly instructed by class teachers for a specifc day and purpose.
Sunglasses:- are NOT permitted as these can be problematic for younger children. For sunny days, please send your child with a baseball cap. Remember the sun cream too! Even though we are in Rawtenstall, the strange yellow ball does occasionally appear.
We are here to help
If unsure about anything at all, please contact our school office, who will be happy to help. Remember to contact us if you have any problems acquiring the correct items that your child needs in school.​​