Our Mission
Welcome to St James the Less
Our mssion statement, in the graphic above, was written by children and agreed by all stakeholders of our school. It is known and lived by our children and staff and sets out what is minimally expected in this school. At St James the Less we believe that children should feel safe and secure in a friendly environment which is a credible witness to its catholic mission and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Our mission is that all our children should feel:-
Safe and secure in our friendly catholic school
The mission statement at the top of this web page was written in consultation with our entire community but is mostly the words of our children who fully understand the importance of living out our mission as a faith school. Of course, all our children want to feel safe and secure but their understanding of this moves far beyond fences, walls and CCTV but into the relationships they want in their school. Any visitors to our school will witness the importance of these high-quality relationships between all members of our community. “Friendship and kindness are the hallmarks of our great Catholic school” (Canon Lupton 2018).
Joyful and happy with Jesus in our hearts
St James the Less RC Primary School recognises its duty of service and our children are inspirational leaders within the school to achieve this. They understand how they can contribute to others within our school and out of school. For example, older children are great buddies to younger children. They also lead prayer services and nurture groups as well as whole school collective acts of worship. Outside of school our children regularly provide a service to others. This may take the form of fundraising or visiting more vulnerable members of our parish. Our children thrive on their contribution to the wider community.
To be the best that we can be
A core belief is that every person is created in the image and likeness of God and this not only shapes how we communicate with each other but also tells us that we want each person to be their very best. St James the Less has an excellent track record of high academic performance and regularly performs above national averages in national tests but, far beyond this, our school provides learning for the whole person. Our curriculum is very broad and allows children to flourish in very different ways. The curriculum is very ambitious and aims to take children's learning far beyond what would normally be expected and, to ensure it is dynamic, is under perpetual review. As well as a having a great reputation for academic performance we have an elite track record in Rossendale Valley and Lancashire for our sports provision. Our children are very passionate about representing the school and all will have an opportunity to represent St James the Less to be their best. “God doesn’t require us to succeed: he only requires that you try.” – Mother Teresa
Love and respect for the uniqueness of everyone
St James the Less recognises the uniqueness of everyone and, true to the teachings of Christ, we are driven by Gospel values to expect all our community adheres to this principle of loving and respecting the uniqueness of our neighbour. Through Gospel values we naturally embrace the British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect of those with different faiths and beliefs. We welcome, embrace and celebrate the diversity of our families and unique abilities of our children. Our curriculum follows a mastery approach to ensure all our children are exposed to the same content with appropriate help to ensure all children can access learning whilst providing opportunities for those to excel further. "Let us not tire of preaching love, it is the force that will overcome the world." - Oscar Romero
Want to know more? Please BOOK A VISIT (contact details below)!
If you would like to know more about our school please book a visit for a school tour during
a normal school day. We believe that visitors can come at anytime and witness for themselves
the strength of our mission statement.
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