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Welcome to the 

Curriculum Page

St James the Less Curriculum is carefully designed to meet the broad needs of all our children.  In designing our curriculum we take account of the starting point of individual children and consider what their seven year journey should look like to equip them with the 'tools' they need for their next learning journey.


Our school meets the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (for children in early years - 4 to 5 years old) and National Curriculum (KS1, 5 to 7 years and KS2, 7 to 11 years) which you can access in full from this page.  St James the Less goes beyond the statutory requirements and constantly adapts our curriculum to respond to a dynamic 21st century.  The 'aims' that are set out for each subject in the National Curriculum is the minimum provision expected as we always look for opportunities to go beyond this and enrich each part of our provision.  Engaged learners learn best.


On this page you will find links to the National Curriculum (full) and some subject specific extracts from the full document.  The 'aims' of each subject are important, as they set out the intention of each subject area. 


There are links on this page for individual classes from EYFS to Year 6.  Click the individual year group for the long-term curriculum maps with a simplified Yearly Overview.


Note: If your child attends this school you should also refer to Class Dojo, school emails and other messages sent by your child's classteacher.  We do not publish all our curriculum on the website as it is copyright protected.


We appreciate that a lot of these documents are written in technical language, so please speak with us if you ever want to discuss our curriculum and teaching approaches.  Our partnership with parents is essential to maximise a child's full potential.

SJTL Phonics and Early Reading

One of the most essential 'tools' our children need is the ability to read.  Getting children to love reading and become confident readers is essential in providing them with access to all other parts of the curriculum.  Click the Phonics and Early reading button below for more information

SJTL Yearly Overviews

SJTL Whole School Curriculum Documents

SJTL Subject Curriculum Documents

Early Years Foundation Stage EYFS

At St James the Less we have one class of EYFS children aged 4 to 5 year olds.  The statutory framework can be accessed below

National Curriculum Documents

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