Phonics & Reading
St James the Less uses a variety of resources to teach reading, including the following schemes:
Read Write Inc (this is our main phonics scheme)
EYFS and KS1 - Read Write Inc - Storybooks
Oxford Reading Tree (various series)
Jelly and Bear
All Aboard (Ginn)
Phonics Bugs
Accelerated Reader (KS2)
National Testing at Year 1 and Year 2
Children are tested in Year 1 to see if they are at a particular standard by the end of the year. Those children who were not at the expected standard by the end of Year 1 are retested at the end of Year 2.
2023 Phonic Screening
Year 1 Summer 2023 - 83.3% at the expected standard
Year 2 Summer 2023 - 93.3% at the expected standard
Any child not at the expected standard will receive additional phonics sessions, including when they move into Key Stage 2