The school PPTA is an active group of adults made up of our Parish Priest, Parents and Teachers. The aim is to arrange meetings and events which bring together Home, Parish and School so that the pupils benefit from the funds raised. In a time of ever diminishing budgets it is becoming increasingly necessary to raise funds to provide even basic items of equipment from such functions. Please do your best to support our PPTA as it is a vital lifeline of extra funds.
To find out more about the PPTA, please contact a PPTA representative (names available from the school office).
Our PPTA have a Facebook page. Please folllow to find out about any fundraising projects
PPTA Events 2022
20th September 8.45am
Welcome Coffee morning for all new reception parents in the school hall
8th October 2-4pm
Welcome Disco for new reception children
17th October
Own clothes day fundraiser
18th November
Gin Night at the social centre
PPTA Documents